I fell today
I fell today, not philosophically, or metaphorically, I fell down, on the ground. Yeah, good times.
I'm a marathon runner, something less than 1% of the world's population can boast of, and probably less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the world even care, but that's okay.
I've run 2 full marathons,(26.2 miles), 3 or 4 half marathons, (13.1 miles) numerous 5k's, and logged countless hours on the road, on the trails, on indoor tracks, and on treadmills. But I fell down today, for the first time while running, and for the first time in years. I was about a mile from home, having been out for an hour and a half run, making good time, but it was getting dark, and I wanted to get back home before I became invisible to the cars on the road. I was running along the edge of a yard that ends abruptly, then becomes street, then grass, then sidewalk. I tripped on a root or something, and began the stumble that goes from, panic, to slight recovery, to panic, to more stumbling, to almost recovery, to the final fall to the ground, except in this case I instantly remembered the very first thing they teach you in the martial arts. How to fall. And as I neared the "terra firma", I tucked my shoulder and rolled, and like a scene from a jet li movie, (well not exactly, but almost) I rolled, hopped up, and kept right on going. It was not bad, I scraped my palms a little, but didn't even collect any weird debris. Now, I've fallen emotionally, spiritually, and mentally quite a few times over the last couple of years, but this time I came out on top and kept on running. It was an awesome run! I'm gonna rest tomorrow, and enjoy the day with my little angel, then I'm gonna run again on Monday, and I think it's gonna be another great run, the start of another great year.