Is it live, or Memorex?
I'm not sure I believe in Soulmates, not anymore anyway. I used to, but 6 years and one broken heart later, I'm just not so sure anymore. I believe in love at first sight, and I believe in chemistry, but not so sure about soulmates anymore. I think I've come up with a new category.
"Chi-mates" no, not like a "chia-pet", a "Chi-mate". As in, "Tai-chi", or the "energy within" which is a loose definition of Chi. "Energy-mates", how bout' that? I think calling someone a soulmate puts too much pressure on that person's soul. Sometimes soulmates don't work out. Does that mean they weren't soulmates after all? An amazing guy I know named Winkey Pratney once said that everyone has the potential to be attracted to somewhere around 250,000 people in the world, that's a a lot of potential Chi out there. I want to improve my Chi rating, so as to attract other high rated chi-ers. I wonder if I know my chi-mate? Have I met her? Who knows? But I'll be ready just in case...
ps. I'm having a strange craving for cheese now, sharp cheddar, can't imagine why.
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