I wish Cotton was a monkey.
I have been in an odd place lately. And I guess it's not really lately, it's really been most of my adult life. If I could sum it up in a few lines it would be that I am:
"Ever glimpsing, never seeing.
Ever reaching, never grasping.
Ever listening, never hearing."
I want to be more than I am, inside. There was a time, long ago, when I enjoyed a certain level of self-righteousness. And as ugly as that is to God, it was a comfortable cloak that protected me from lots of potential hurt. But then, as life would have it, one ugly divorce, one pathetically broken heart, and many, many, poor choices later, I have no righteousness of my own to cling to. I'd like to be curled up on the couch with my chi-mate, dozing, just being, not doing. But I don't really want to go to the effort to find her right now, or to keep her. Maybe I would feel differently if I met "the one", but my last one left me just emptied out. Now, I don't want to make this about a girl, it's really more about the inside of me part. I want to be wise, I want to be upright, I want to be full, and satisfied in my soul. But I don't really think I'll ever find that place. But I'm not unhappy. In fact, I'm in the best place I've ever been. I live a simple life, and have a wonderful daughter, and job, church, and friends. But I want to feel fuller inside. Iwant to feel like my worship is accepted, even desired. I want to feel like I have something different to offer God.
Well, my brother, there is only ONE thing that can give that much JOY. Joy is something that comes from God only. He's the only one that can fill that void. The only thing that we can offer God, when it is stripped down to essence is ourselves. That's all we own. When you give Him you, you will have that knowledge that your worship is accepted and even desired. We become espoused to Him and that's wonder-ful. God bless you my friend.
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