My how time flies...
Hola! What's up folks?
I have been so consumed lately with working on my CD, that I've totally neglected my blog, and quite frankly, the uproar has been deafening. Riots on the streets of Memphis, Congressmen, actually getting UP and OUT of their chairs storming the capital to protest my dereliction of blogging duty.
I'm humbled by the response, really. You never know how much you are missed until you step away from the wheel for a few days, and then POOF! You're no longer living the dream, but you are a victim of it.
I'll do better, really, give me another chance,
I need mercy.
I'll come through for you,
Back soon,
dave. dave. dave. It has been a good --okay, N E A R L Y three months. When you're a kid spending those months during Summer Vacation, it could seem like a life time. Please.. post soon. I'm dehydrated over here!! :O)
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