Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Writer's block

Hello there. I feel like I've neglected my blog for the last few days, but not really, I've thought alot about it, but I just couldn't seem to come up with anything relevant to write about. So I tried to pretend that I was a paid columnist, and that I was getting a check for writing a daily article. I wanted to see if that would jar me into reality, and motivate me to spew forth words of some eternal value. I also thought that if I just got started, that some real creativity would begin to flow, but it isn't happening. I guess that's okay though, sometimes life is like that. It can't just "Rock" all the time. There's up time and down time. So I write this on my laptop, in my secluded little hotel room in Columbia, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville. It's kinda weird to think that just a few miles from where I am, possibly hundreds of very well known musicians are right now, doing some very ordinary things. Reading junk mail, maybe eating a TV dinner, maybe working crossword puzzles, or sleeping. Ponderous, very ponderous.


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