This is the proposed style for my new website. I have one online right now, but I don't care for it much. It's okay, but not as dramatic as this one. I love drive-ins, we have one here in Memphis. My daughter and I go to it about once or twice a month in the summer, and a little less in the off-season. It's the exact same drive-in my parents took us to when we were my daughter's age, which is 8 1/2. I saw the Beatle's "Help" there, as well as "Song Of The South", which was great. I don't remember any others there, but I remember it as one of my best favorite childhood memories. Abi and I load up on junk food, and usually buy a lottery ticket at the convenience store across the street from the entrance, as the powerball drawing is held while we are in the movie, and it gives us something to look forward to when we get home, and want to dream about winning a kabillion dollars and not having to work or go to regular school. We pretend that I could just homeschool her, and not have to go to work, and that she would never have to leave. Her mom will be dropping her off at our house in the morning at 6:15am, or her way to work. We will spend a good part of the morning negotiating how we will spend the day. I, will be lobbying for a day outside the house, while she will be horse-trading for a day indoors. We went to a teapot exhibit at the museum just about 10 minutes from our house. There were hundreds of rare and unusual teapots on display, and Abi got busted by the rude security guard for leaning too closely on the EDGE of the display table. Not even the actual display area, just the edge of the table mind you. So we showed them.
I pretended to look at a teapot right by the door next to guard, blocking her view, while Abi, in a deft display of rebellion against the "man", reached over and touched and actual teapot! Oh yes, bare-fingered! skin oils, dead skin cells and all.
And amazingly enough, the teapot did not explode! We beat a hasty retreat, cause I think the lady was wise to our shenanigans, and was getting weird-er.
I hope my baby does not take up a life of crime now...
Dave nicar
that is an adorable post!!! Happy the teapot didn't explose and my guess is Abi is wiser than ever.
You mentioned remembering "Song of the South". I LOVED that movie!! I hadda huge crush on the boy and was sad that he died a pauper's death.
Sure loved those drive-ins! I remember seeing "Back to the Future" in a Tacoma drive-in theatre. We were so excited to have lawn chairs and be able to sit outside in the back of the pickup bed on a warm hot summer night. But. We got in trouble and was kicked out for doing so. Oh Lordy. (let's hope ali doesn't follow our path!) :O)
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